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Telepresence & Retail Solutions



Double 3
The industry standard for remote presence. 


GoBe Robot
For when you demand to be seen and heard. 

Holoportation & Reception Robotics


Holoportation is here, and it's incredible.
Group 281
Reception Mini
Retail meets AI, an unparalleled service experience

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Why Businesses are adopting telepresence robots in droves

3 min read

Why Businesses are adopting telepresence robots in droves

Telepresence robots are becoming more and more of a necessity in today's challenging business environment. Businesses employing telepresence...

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The Future of Work: Why more businesses are going remote

The Future of Work: Why more businesses are going remote

In today's increasingly connected world, it's no surprise that more businesses are considering hiring remote employees. After all, there are many...

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Create new experiences using the latest in holographic technology.

Create new experiences using the latest in holographic technology.

A new product has just hit the Australian market that is going to change the way we think about marketing, the PROTO Epic. This game-changing,...

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